SeedCare International Ministries in the coming years will enable more pastors to completely focus on their calling by supplementing their limited financial resources with your Kingdom investments.
For basic needs of pastors and workers, including their theological studies or ministry training. DONATE NOW
Bibles for churches members who cannot afford a copy of their own and for drug addicts who surrendered to the Philippine government and are undergoing moral recovery program. DONATE NOW
Funds to purchase vehicles to reach out residents in remote places. DONATE NOW
Funds to purchase music instruments, projector, laptop, children’s ministry materials, Biblical literature and other related needs DONATE NOW
It costs around $50-100 per month to cover for meals for weekly children bible study and outreaches DONATE NOW
Funds to hold children and youth summer camps DONATE NOW
For educational assistance to children of underprivileged ministers or to students serving the Body of Christ DONATE NOW
Funds to cover meals and operational costs of running an orphanage in the Philippines DONATE NOW
Funds to cover meals and operational costs of running an orphanage in Tegucigalpa, Honduras DONATE NOW
To fund building constructions so church members can gather and sing, and worship the Lord comfortably DONATE NOW
Funds to cover the administrative costs (software, transaction fees, office supplies, postage, among others) of running SeedCare’s operations DONATE NOW